Oct 23, 2007

Direct Democracy for People-Powered Politics

MyDD :: Direct Democracy for People-Powered Politics

This blog post really hits it on the nose. Edwards campaign being so focused on economic justice is the greatest crisis that is facing this country. While the Hillary Clinton campaign seems determined with only one crisis, her own personal electoral victory, and Barack Obama's campaign is centrally focused on changing the nature of politics. Out of every candidate that is running for president only Rep. Ron Paul and Senator John Edwards seem to be running a campaign that is solution and results centered, (Rep. Paul solution being eliminating 90% of what the federal government does, while Sen. Edwards' solution is cure our economic ills.) The fear of the current economic trends are leading our country is not just a fear for us lefties, Billionaire and ardent fiscal conservative Warren Buffet has been heard to say "Class war, of course there is a class war going on right now and my side is winning."

New York Times columnist and class-warfare apologist Thomas Friedman often writes in his column and books about how it is good that our economy holds no protection from competition (and I would postulate no protection from bad luck.) The prevailing corporatized common wisdom is that we the consumer or employee for all intensive purposes and for all future generations shall hold all economic risks while the elite of the investing class shall retain all the benefits in some sort of ass-backwards Adam-Smith-envisioned capitalism.


  1. I agree with your analysis. Thank you for cutting through the BS and putting it in simple terms. I don't want class warfare, but the gulf between the haves and the have-nots is increasing exponentially and something must be done. Unfortunately, we live in a world where ypu must become a whore just to be elected. Money is everything and the only thing. That's a shame and not what the founding fathers had in mind, I suspect. Carry on.

  2. Democratic voters should consider a class action lawsuit to end the process of super-delegates. A case can be made that the super-delegates degrade, and are intended to dilute, the weight of our votes to allow the party elites to determine who gets the nomination of the party. It doesn’t matter whether Hillary or Obama gets the nomination, both will be great democratic leaders. However, the fact that super-delegates have the power to overrule the voters is against the concept of democracy, and harms the voters of this country. A single super-delegate vote has the weight in some cases of up to 50,000 votes.

    Do not lose focus on this issue after the primaries are over. While it may turn out that this process does not override the American vote this year, the chances are there for the future.
